European Network for Non-Violence and Dialogue - ENND

The project (2017 - 2018) has connected initiatives around Europe that strive to depolarize society and develop techniques of dialogue among various social groups. We have connected people and organizations working at a grassroots level to ease tensions on value-based issues. How does one discuss refugees, LGBTI, Roma, or national identities in Europe? We are collecting the best practices and best people, who are always trying.

European Network for Non-Violence and Dialogue - ENND

In the first phase, a mapping study of value-based conflicts in 7 countries of Central Europe was conducted. We were mapping different studies, issues, actors, and approaches related to conflicts which have the potential to escalate to radicalization and violent clashes in society.

In the second phase, we built a network called the European Network for Nonviolence and Dialogue for addressing social conflicts potentially leading to radicalization. The network has its own website, Here, we collected the best practices throughout Europe on how to promote dialogue in value-based conflicts. We have also launched campaigns (the most successful one was the Peace Sofas) and realized 2 conferences. The project ended in 2018 but its results will be relevant for longer time.

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Project Partners

  • Cultures Interactive

    Cultures Interactive

  • Patrir


  • Nesehnutí


  • Partners Hungary

    Partners Hungary

  • Partners Poland

    Partners Poland

  • Partners Bulgaria

    Partners Bulgaria


  • Co-funded by European Union

    Co-funded by European Union


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