Projects help us fulfill our mission.

Projects help us fulfill our mission. Thanks to them and to their donors, we can do trainings and networking, and we can develop educational tools for people and sectors in need of our help. If you need a reliable project partner, contact us. We will be glad to communicate with you. Here are some of our current projects.

  • Kurz: PROTEUS

    Protecting EU Values and Fundamental Rights through Public Participation and Civil Society Assistance in Central Europe

    The growing social polarization and political illiberalism in the EU, but especially in the Central European Member States, pose great risks to civil society, which are increasingly evident through tighter controls on CSOs, cuts to their financial independence, intimidation of civic activists, and the portrayal of civil society as a public enemy. All this puts at risk a strong and dynamic civil society which is a fundamental requirement for a liberal and pluralistic democracy.

    • Lukáš Zorád / Program Director, Consultant

      Lukáš Zorád / Program Director, Consultant

  • Kurz: Digital Activism Program

    Across the world, the spread of disinformation is on the rise. Its volatile growth is the result of the strategic use of online disinformation, which undermines democracy, and polarizes societies. While ways to combat disinformation are currently trending in the media, the existing tactics are primarily directed at fact-checkers and journalists, leaving wider civil society actors to their own devices.

    • Lukáš Zorád / Program Director, Consultant

      Lukáš Zorád / Program Director, Consultant

  • Would you like to contact us?

    Are you interested in our services and you would like to establish cooperation with us? Are you looking for project partners in the topics we deal with? Contact us.

  • PDCS

    Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia

    / +421 2 5292 5016